Projects & Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.
Dedication Event is planned for 19th Sept Covid allowing. Subgroup working on this. Information Boards. These are to be a site just inside the Cenotaph entrance, giving information about the cenotaph.
Dementia Group – PCSO Project.
£2000 raised to support this project working with local PCSO to provide entertainment packs for people living with dementia. Gift packs were put together for both Care Homes and Local Residents, This was carried out during Dementia Action week and received some national recognition. 50+ bags packed and delivered with some very positive feedback from residents. A spin off was contacts/ referrals being made with other agencies (Reablement, Parkinsons), and new partnership working ( Tesco, Morrisons, CHS) Great support received form The Museum, AgeUK CE,The Lions and Sue Munro who donated some wool to the cause.
This project reflects true partnership working and will now move onto its next phase with CHS producing Twiddle boards and the setting up of a swop shop facility with the support of Congleton Library.
Congratulations all round to Diane and her team.
For reference Jo Fishwick, AgeUK CE can be contacted on
Tree Project.
9 sites were consulted on and planted up between March and April, with other local plantings taking place. Total now stands at close on 3000 trees/hedges planted. Whips/Trees that have been planted are in summer beds ready for final planting in the autumn. The Queen’s Green Canopy Scheme will be discussed at the next Tree Group / CTC meetings.
Green Fayre
Town hall currently booked for Tuesday 26th October ( NHS providing/Covid) this is autumn half term. This is as close to the COP26 Conference in Glasgow (1st to 12th Nov)as possible. Jo Money’s signs are booked for the 2 weeks prior, plans to take a stall at The Makers Markets and MS has circulated CSG for feedback on who they want to be involved as Exhibitors. Possible road closure required (tbc) we still have a carried forward budget of £687 from previous event.
To be discussed at CSG Tuesday 1.6.21, still seems difficult to get people to commit to the future, MS will chase up once we have the next Covid restriction easing.
Get Involved Booklet.
The booklet now printed and being issued. MS circulated an electronic copy prior to the meeting.
Congratulations to Jo and her team for a great piece of work that will be of real benefit to our residents. Good exposure for The Partnership. J.Mac to put on CTC Website.
Date and Time of the next meeting.
Meeting ended 11.50am
Next Meeting Monday 6th Sept, 10.30am, Zoom TBC (will book Zoom but could become face to face)