by Cong@Ches5919P | May 23, 2017 | Projects & Finance
The Project and Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE. Highlights include: Public Realm Strategy. F.Price outlined the plans at the town meeting 27th April with various timelines as the project will be delivered in...
by Cong@Ches5919P | Mar 19, 2015 | Projects & Finance
The latest meeting of the Projects and Finance Committee took place on 16th March. Download the full minutes HERE for all the news! Funding Requests. Funding requests were sent out to members before the meeting for information. Copies of previous funding...
by Cong@Ches5919P | Dec 15, 2014 | Projects & Finance
The latest Congleton Partnership executive meeting was held on the 2nd December. Many projects are planned for Congleton in 2015 which the Partnership will be supporting in, a really exciting time to get involved! Some highlights from the meeting include: New...
by Cong@Ches5919P | Dec 3, 2014 | Projects & Finance
Cheshire East Council, Congleton Town Council and Congleton Partnership have announced a major investment programme for Congleton. Congleton is set to get £1 million boost from a key development project designed to drastically improve the town centre. Cheshire East...